What's New : The activities of ICRO are being subsumed in the IPL Foundation in order to streamline and coordinate all the CSR activities coherently. Milestone of reaching to over 1.4 lakh farmers, (refer section on Fourth coming events) Youth interested to participate in the Amrit Internship programme in selected locations may get in touch with ICRO at icroipl@gmail.com. Selection will be subject to availability of slots and meeting the eligibility criteria.
iMAGE 02 For Icro
Amrit Internship Orientation Programme at Dhenkanal on 05.02.2025
Farmer's Meet at Purulia on 09.01.2025
Sustainability Conclave on Productivity and Green Growth at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University on 03.01.2025
Workshop on Sustaimability, Productivity and Climate Change at SRM University, Sonepat on 29.01.2025
Sustainability Conclave on Productivity & Green Growth at Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu.
Amrit Internship Programme in collaboration with KVK Varanasi, UP
Sustainability Conclave at ICAR, Patna
Sustainability Conclave in collaboration with Galgotias University, UP on 13th September, 2024 (1)
Amrit Internship Programme at IPL Sugar Unit, JArwal Road, UP (1)
Director ICRO recieved the Rural Voice NACOF award 2023
Amrit Internship Programme at IPL Sugar Unit, JArwal Road, UP (3)
Amrit Internship Programme at IPL Sugar Units - Khadda and Siswa Bazar
Sustainability Conclave at Jaypee University, Himachal Pradesh
Sustainability Conclave in collaboration with Galgotias University, UP on 13th September, 2024 (2)
National Conference on ESG for Industry Transformation at Mumbai
National Conference on ESG for Industry Transformation at Mumbai
Orientation Programme for Amrit Interns at Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh
Orientation programme for Amrit Interns at Cuttack , Odisha
Orientation programme for Amrit Interns at Saharanpur, Uttar pradesh
Valedictory function at KVK Thiruvannamalai,Tamil Nadu
KVK Muzaffarnagar Orientation Programme
KVK Muzaffarnagar Orientation Programme
Dr MGR Educational & Research Institute on 28.12.2023
National Conference on Sustainability & Productivity at Dr.MGR Educational & Research Institute on 28.12.2023
Closing Ceremony at KVK Kota dated. 20.12.2023
Orientation Programme at Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha
Orientation Programme at KVK Shamli, Uttar Pradesh
Indian Potash Limited and ICRO received awarded the Rural Voice NACOF Award 2023 for the excellent work in the Agriculture Extension category
Director ICRO recieved the Rural Voice NACOF award 2023
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Indian Potash Limited (IPL)

Indian Potash Limited (IPL) was incorporated under Indian Companies Act with the objective of import-handling, promotion and marketing of potash in the entire county. IPL is a major player in multiple value chains and inputs,and is steadfastly contributing and marching towards agrarian growth and farmers’ prosperity in India. The dedicated field work of IPL has led to the acceptance of potash across the country which was until then unknown to Indian farmers.
IPL has successfully established a vast network, and its services are coordinated by 15 Regional offices in various State capitals. It enables IPL to take any agricultural input or service to farmers’ doorstep in over six lakh villages across the Country. IPL has initiated several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs to address social causes promote environmental sustainability and climate change awareness. Their CSR initiatives are contributing to the well-being of communities and addressing pressing global challenges.

National Productivity Council (NPC)

National Productivity Council (NPC), established in 1958, is an apex organization under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. NPC is responsible for generating productivity awareness and consciousness across the country by providing solutions for improving productivity and competitiveness through different services, namely consultancy, training, action research, evaluation studies.
It is an autonomous, non-profit organization with equal representation from Government, employers’ organization and workers’ organization apart from technical and professional institutions and other interests. It also represents the Government of India in the Asian productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo.

IPL Centre for Rural Outreach (ICRO)

IPL as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility,together with NPC has established ICRO, in order to promote productivity in the areas of Agriculture, Rural development, Industry, and the service sector. It aims to provide agricultural knowledge, new skills to farmers through youth and promote entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities. It started its operation from 17 March, 2022. The activities of ICRO are being subsumed in the IPL Foundation in order to streamline and coordinate all the CSR activities coherently.

What We Do​

- Rural outreach and Capacity Building: Amrit Internship Program - Climate Change responses: Energy and Water audits - Responsible Public Health: BMWM studies - Sustainable growth and climate change response advocacy

Amrit Internship Programme

Online application portal developed –www.icroamrit.npcindia.gov.in

E-learning modules and assessment questionnaire developed

Being implemented in 26 Districts across 7 States

Climate Change Response

ICRO has mandated for promotion of energy and water use efficiency in micro and small enterprises and for conservation of natural resources through NPC. A follow-up of the implementation and Study of outcome..

Responsible Public Health

Assess the awareness level of hospital staff with regards bio-medical waste management.
Study the existing bio-medical waste management practices at hospital..

Sustainable Green Growth Promotion

It is well-recognized aspect of business that businesses are established to generate profits for its stake holders and that of governments is to improve…

NPC Corner

IPL Corner

Total Farmer's Outreach​
Total No. of Interns participating
Total Workshop Participants
Energy Audits ​(MSME)
Water Audits ​(MSME)
No. of Hospitals for Bio-Medical Studies (9 states)​

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO
24 States

Sustainable Green Growth Promotion

ICRO's map displays its sustainable green growth promotion efforts, featuring Energy and Water Audits, Bio-Medical waste Management Study, ESG, Sustainability Conclaves & LPC.

Rajasthan Himanchal Pradesh Haryana Uttarakhand Delhi Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Gujarat Bihar West Bangal Jharkhand Odisha Telangana Andra pradesh Tamil Nadu Kerala Karnataka Goa Maharashtra Assam Meghalaya Mizoram Manipur Nagaland



Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 3

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 6

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Himanchal Pradesh


Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 1

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 2

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 5

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate : 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Uttar Pradesh


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts:  5

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 7

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 1

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 6

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Madhya Pradesh


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 3

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 5

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 2

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 22

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 10

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 2

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 4

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 4

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

West Bangal


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 2

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 6

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 6

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 20

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 18

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Andra pradesh


Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Tamil Nadu


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 4

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 12

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 1

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 2

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 5

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 9

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study:  1

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 2

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

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