Sustainable Green Growth Promotion

ICRO's map displays its sustainable green growth promotion efforts, featuring Energy and Water Audits, Bio-Medical waste Management Study, ESG, Sustainability Conclaves & LPC.

Rajasthan Himanchal Pradesh Haryana Uttarakhand Delhi Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Gujarat Bihar West Bangal Jharkhand Odisha Telangana Andra pradesh Tamil Nadu Kerala Karnataka Goa Maharashtra Assam Meghalaya Mizoram Manipur Nagaland



Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 3

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 6

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Himanchal Pradesh


Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 1

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 2

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 5

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate : 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Uttar Pradesh


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts:  5

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 7

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 1

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 6

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Madhya Pradesh


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 3

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 5

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 2

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 22

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 10

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 2

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 4

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 4

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

West Bangal


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 2

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 6

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 6

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 20

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 18

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Andra pradesh


Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States

Tamil Nadu


Rural Outreach Programmes through Amrit Interns -  districts: 4

Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 12

Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 1

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 2

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 5

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 9

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study:  1

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 2

Environmental - Social- Goverance (ESG) National Conclave: 1

Local Productivity Council - Productivity Week Debate: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Climate Change Response - Energy & Water Audits: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Responsible Public Health - Bio Medical Waste Management Study: 2

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States



Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States


Sustainability Conclave for Student, Academia etc.: 1

Footprints of IPL's CSR initiatives through ICRO - 24 States