Who We Are
Indian Potash Limited (IPL), a major player in multiple value chains and inputs, is steadfastly contributing and marching towards agrarian growth and farmer’s prosperity in India. The dedicated field work of IPL has lead to acceptance of potash across India which was unknown to Indian farmers earlier. IPL has a vast network and its services are being coordinated by 15 Regional Offices in various State capitals. This enables IPL to take any agri input or service literally at the doorstep of farmers in the six lakh villages across the country thereby contributing to their growth and development.
With an objective to foster rural outreach and capacity development of farmers and youth, IPL has joined hands with National Productivity Council (NPC), an apex organization established in 1958, under Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, to generate productivity and competitiveness through different services, namely consultancy, training, action research, evaluation studies etc.
IPL Centre for Rural Outreach (ICRO) – launched by Indian Potash Limited (IPL) with the involvement of National Productivity Council (NPC) was set up on 17th March 2022, New Delhi, based on the Corporate Social Responsibility project which promotes productivity in the areas of Agriculture, Rural development, Industry, and service sector. Its aim is to learn new skills and promote entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities.

Objectives of ICRO: (What we do)
- Rural outreach and capacity development activities for farmers and youth.
- IPL-Amrit Internship Program focused on productivity for livelihood enhancement.
- Promoting environmental sustainability and conservation of natural resources by promoting energy and water use efficiency in micro and small enterprises.
- Promotion of scientific waste management in publicly funded or in charitable hospitals with a focus on efficiency improvement also.
Methodology for achieving the objectives
- ICRO developed the Amrit Intern Portal : https://www.icroamrit.npcindia.gov.in
- ICRO developed / designed e- learning modules to address the knowledge gaps of the interns duly supplemented by field- level exposure through NPC regional offices and IPL facilities across the country.
- ICRO is achieving energy and water use efficiency and sustainability through its experts spread across the country.
- ICRO is taking up scientific waste management studies and reporting in publicly funded or charitable hospitals in respect of biomedical waste management.
- The progress of ICRO and success stories in the process is being presented in a wider framework such as involvement of media briefing/workshops/seminars/social media/and other communication tools.
- Conducting National Conferences/Conclaves on ESG for industry transformation, Sustainability and green growth etc.

- ICRO has an Advisory Committee comprising of represntation from senior management of IPL and NPC.
- The Advisory Committee review the functioning of ICRO and give recommendations on its operations and growth.
Size of target group covered in the 1st and 2nd year of operation –
Size of target group to be covered every year are as follows:
- Rural outreach and capacity development activities for 20000 farmers and youth.
- IPL- Amrit Internship Programe for 200 interns.
- Promotion of energy and water use efficiency in 50 micro and small enterprises.
- Promotion of scientific biochemical waste management in 10 publicly funded or charitable hospitals.
- Mass communication program on productivity and sustainability
Infrastructure Set Up And Functioning Of ICRO

ICRO Portal developed, ICRO online e- learning Modules developed , IT Hardware (desktops, printer, scanner, UPS )

ICRO Official - Dr. Rajeev Ranjan, IAS (Rtd), Director ICRO, Ex secretary, GOI and Ex Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu

ICRO set up at 1st Floor, Potash Bhawan. Office set up and other related facilities in place.